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The Process Of Selling Gold

Hello, I'm Ron Breckenridge. As a hobby, I refinish broken jewelry I find at thrift stores and pawnshops. The jewelry often features major faults that ruin the structure and finish of that piece. While performing the repairs, I remove a lot of gold and replace it with new materials. The gold I remove sits in a little jar until I can use it again. Every once in awhile, I come across gold I just cannot use. The gold is still good for other purposes, but doesn't work well for jewelry repairs. I save this gold until it fills up another little jar, and then I take it down to the gold buyers. I'm provided with a small stipend depending on its market price, which is awesome. I want to discuss the process involved with gold buying on this site. I will also explore other ways to obtain gold to sell. Thanks.


The Process Of Selling Gold

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