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The Process Of Selling Gold

Hello, I'm Ron Breckenridge. As a hobby, I refinish broken jewelry I find at thrift stores and pawnshops. The jewelry often features major faults that ruin the structure and finish of that piece. While performing the repairs, I remove a lot of gold and replace it with new materials. The gold I remove sits in a little jar until I can use it again. Every once in awhile, I come across gold I just cannot use. The gold is still good for other purposes, but doesn't work well for jewelry repairs. I save this gold until it fills up another little jar, and then I take it down to the gold buyers. I'm provided with a small stipend depending on its market price, which is awesome. I want to discuss the process involved with gold buying on this site. I will also explore other ways to obtain gold to sell. Thanks.


The Process Of Selling Gold

Financial Tips For New College Graduates

by Ruben Bailey

You've got your degree in hand and are ready to embark upon your career. This is the perfect time to begin laying the financial framework that will carry you through the rest of your life. The following tips can help you create a working plan that will benefit you as your career grows and your life changes over the years.

Tip #1: Begin Retirement Savings

It's never too soon to begin retirement savings. Most employers offer a retirement savings vehicle, such as a 401k. These are an excellent investment choice, especially if your employer matches your contributions. You should try to invest the full amount that is matched by the employer, since this is essentially free money. If your employer doesn't offer retirement plans, or if there is no matching, you may want to look into private plans, such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA). A financial consultant can show you which retirement vehicles are best suited to your retirement goals, along with your future goals. For example, some retirement accounts allow you to draw out funds at no penalty if it is for a home purchase.

Tip #2: Take Control of Your Loans

If you have student loans, chances are your grace period is going to be running out soon. This means payments are due. Consolidating your loans can help lower your payments and your interest, allowing you to pay off the loans much more quickly. The best time to begin consolidation and payment planning is before the grace period ends. Once again, your financial consultant can help you find the best options for your budget and specific situation.

Tip #3: Estate Planning

You probably don't have much of an estate at the moment. It's still a good idea to start getting a basic plan on paper, though. A small life insurance policy will be helpful for loved ones, even if it is only enough to cover final arrangements. You should also assign beneficiaries for retirement accounts. Work with a financial consultant to put together an estate plan that can grow as your life changes. For example, it's much easier to expand an existing plan to include more assets, a spouse, and children than it is to try and draw up a plan from scratch.

Tip #4: Create a Savings and Spending Plan

You are likely making more money than you did during college, but this is no time to splurge. Sit down with your financial consultant and work out your short, mid and long-term goals. Your consultant can help you create a plan that covers your current responsibilities, along with savings for the future. They can also help you find financial products that meet short and mid-term savings goals, such as saving for a house or a trip.

To learn more, contact a company like Solution 7 Incorporated
